It's the day before my 34th birthday. For me birthdays are a lot like new years, I always think back on the previous year and make plans for the next. So, without ceremony and in no particular order, below are my wishes for the next year.
1. to be hugged and held close without having to initiate it
2. finish a creative project
3. lots of adventures
4. learn to snowboard (got the socks, now I just need the skills)
5. more spontaneity
6. have a better relationship with my mother
7. find my passion
8. watch my children learn and grow
9. reveal my best self to someone new
10. more patience
11. to take more photos
12. to laugh ALOT
13. have people not ask what is wrong when i am not smiling...that's just my normal face folks
14. invite conversation
15. create an organized, comfortable home
16. to have What Not to Wear overhaul my wardrobe
17. spend more quiet time reading
18. get to know my grandmother more
19. be joyful in the moment
20. to continue journaling
21. be a good friend
22. keep up with correspondence and actually mail it
23. let stuff go
24. open the mail when it comes in, read it and do something with it
25. thank my husband more
26. go dancing
27. wear something fancy that is out of my comfort zone
28. find some new food haunts
29. write down more of the kid's firsts and funny moments
30. stop living for the next thing...maybe this is the "thing"
31. try to not care what people will think
32. wear red lipstick
33. romantic getaway with the man
34. be happy
I'm glad you were born, sister in law, and I hope you have a wonderful birthday! If I could get Charlotte to talk into a phone she would tell you "Hapbee durday!"!!
what a great list!
Wonderful way to start a new year! Hope all your dreams comes through.
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