Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, all!
We had a great Christmas. The eve was spent at home celebrating with the smalls and then we headed for St. Louis the next day. It was so great to see everyone. Anyone who knows me knows that I haven't always been close with my family. But I am making the effort and I think that was all that was needed. I really enjoyed the time there. Plus we went to REI to get some additional snowboard trip gear and got away for a kid-free lunch at a restaurant with actual cloth napkins! What more can a girl ask for?!
I started making tutus about 2 weeks before Christmas and ending up selling them to some lovely girls big and small. Add some cats and a stuffed animal to that and the story is complete. It all started with making some for my butterfly nieces in Portland (who have not actually received theirs yet...spoiler alert, Erin!) and Aaron said "you could totally sell those". (Yes, he said totally). And I did. :)
Speaking of Aaron and making. He made the most amazing play kitchen for Lola. It is incredible, better than any I have ever seen. He was working on it up until the end. We are still painting it...pics to follow soon. (I am so proud of this man!)
Oh, and I won the most amazing jam-packed box of cute from Elsie at
A Beautiful Mess that included the sweetest painting, some stationary items and poprocks! I am loving her
boy's music, too! She and the rest of the Red Velvet Art girls will be opening a shop in Springfield in Feb that calls for a roadtrip! Thanks, Elsie.
Aaron is off work for the week and the boys are doing all things Star Wars...legos, Wii games, battling with cardboard tubes.
Lola had a great time in St. Louis. She has learned to harness the power of her cute and manages to make friends everywhere we go. Here's hoping that power is only used for good.
We don't have huge New Year's plans. Some friends are hosting a wine tasting and we have been given the fantastic gift of a mother-in-law who enjoys the company of our smalls. Should be fun.
Gave up resolutions years ago. But it's already shaping up to be a wonderful 2009. Here's wishing the same for all of you!
(If you are still reading, sorry if this sounded manic and rushed...trying to blog quickly before the boys finish their last game.)