Wednesday, November 5, 2008

no school today

R. had parent/teacher conferences at school today and had the day off. Our weather has been unseasonably warm for November, so we spent most of the day outside. Our day included a long walk to school for his conference (excellent report, with only a couple of things to work on), lunch with Aaron and then the library and then the long walk back home. We spent the morning and afternoon collecting leaves and looking into waterless fountains and crawling around the kid's corner at the library. It's been a great day and I think everyone at this point could use a nap!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Vader's Pumpkin Patch

Luke, I am your father and I insist you take a hayride to our corn maze. Or something like that. James Earl Jones could pull it off, I think.