The weekend consisted of: karate for the little man
(he did not get his belt -- not ready and has to practice for another 4 weeks), tried to go to the Rainforest Cafe as a little celebration of hardwork and Riley shoe
(with laces) purchasing but he FREAKED out and was crying hysterically. "I hate those robot animals. They are not my friends". So there you go. We ordered this giant, ridiculous drink for R. and before we ordered lunch we decided to settle up and leave. Went to another family joint and all was well. Cooked some dinners -- chicken chili and some spicy kung pow action that R. also hated. Rearranged furniture and repaired the holes in the living room hardwoods.
I finally figured out my sewing machine and will begin on a couple of projects this week.
My classes have come to an almost stop...only Eastern Bodywork in the evenings and then I am finished! Hooray. But then it's finding a job, being a success, etc., etc. et al. (Yikes)